Sunday, August 25, 2013

The Do's and Don'ts of Dapper Day

         So you're going to Dapper Day! Before you set out and hit the parks will all motors roaring, take a read and take some advice from a seasoned Dapper. This is your handy-dandy go to survival guide to make sure you make the most of your trip. Here I will give some tips and hints for you and your group of Dappers, what you wear, how to go about the many gatherings through out the day and some other smaller details

         Who are you going with?
         First off, lets take a look on who you are planning on going with. When it comes to Disneyland guests, they normally fall into 1 of 3 categories. There are the first-timers to the resort. They often have specific things they want to do that they have been looking forward to doing their entire life. They don't always bode well with skipping around from land to land and want to get on as many attractions as possible and catch the major shows at the end of the evening. From experiences, First-timers do best in smaller groups. 

         The second group is the Annual Pass Holders/Cast Members. This group can also be divided into sub-sections. There are the extreme pass holders, they have all the show times memorized, and they are there once a week. When they walk in the park they know exactly what they want to do and will do nothing else until they get to do just that. First-timers will have a hard time keeping up with this group. The second sub-section of the AP/CM group is those who go simply to enjoy the park they are in no rush to do anything in particular. This group and first-timers often work really well together in the park for the AP's help with planning the trip around the park and don't mind the speed in which things are taken. 

         Finally you have the Casuals. These people go to Disneyland maybe 3 to 5 times a year. They are the happy medium of the first-timers and the AP's. They like to make sure they get on their favorite rides but won't feel as if the world will end if not every single ride is hit for the day. Casuals are the neutral parties and mix well with all the categories. 

Your Costume
         So it's time to put together your costume. To be a true Dapper you are going to be looking at the fashion of the 1920's and 1930's. For men there are the suits, ties, bow ties, fedoras and other hats. , The true and classic gentlemen. For women, dresses and high waist skirts at or below your knee, stylish up-dos and hats. These are hard to explain via words so here are some examples of what you should aim for. 

         Possibly THE biggest mistake one can make when putting together a costume for Dapper Day, is their choice of footwear. This is a mistake made more often by women, but I have seen it happen to men as well. Though you want to look cute and be true to the time, you ARE going to be spending HOURS walking around a large theme park with stairs, ramps, cobble stone, brick of different sizes, narrow queue lines and small children and trash EVERYWHERE! Girls! If you feel the need to wear heels I HIGHLY suggest you bring flats cause unless you walk around in heels 24/7 outside of Dapper Day as well, it is extremely difficult to walk around Disneyland in heels for an extended period of time and the possibility of tripping due to small children and cracks in the floor is ridiculously high. And even when picking out your flats  (and men if you are going to wear dress shoes), make sure you know they will not give you some killer blisters by the end of the day. Even better is finding a pair of converse that match your costume color scheme, cause your feet will get tired. 
         Also, you want to think about the functionality of your costume as a whole. Make sure you wear your costume around your house for a few hours while you do house work or wear it to the store. Make sure that things fit you well enough that you won't be pulling up your pants, or pulling down your shirt, adjusting your socks. Make sure that you can be active in your costume without too much (if any effort) at all. 

         Finally something that started at the most recent Dapper Day was the addition of the DisneyBound Dapper group that has sprouted from the popular Tumblr blog. For those who don't know, DisneyBound is a blog that finds clothing from the vast internet world, and puts together modern day outfits that are inspired by the color scheme and iconic pieces of Disney Characters and their costumes. It's a fun addition to the bi-annual event and I am super excited to see how things take off from here. The art of 'DisneyBound'ing (Amazing how a Tumblr blog name becomes a verb) is something that takes some work to perfect, however, my first attempt at went fairly well (except for the fact that apparently Carl Fredrickson and Indiana Jones wear similar clothing). Thanks to the amazingness that is Salvation Army, I was able to throw together my costume for right around $15. For a better idea of DisneyBounding here is a link to the blog 

         The unique part of Dapper Day aside from going to the happiest place on earth while dressed to the nines is meeting everyone else who is doing the exact same thing. There are some set gatherings through out the day in which the Dapper Brethren can meet up and talk and show off their costumes and take pictures. I will work our way through the day and cover each of the different gatherings. 

         First is the Boat meet up.  For the first 3 Dapper Days everyone met up at the Rivers of America for a ride on the Mark Twain Riverboat. This year's Dapper Day the Mark Twain was down and the Columbia was docked for the day due to 'high winds'. Regardless it is a fun event looking at all the dapper costumes and taking advantage of the photo opportunities. It can be awkward for those who aren't familiar with the Dapper Day community. But it is a great way to dive in and realize what a great group of people you are a part of for that one day.

         Added just this last Dapper Day is the DisneyBound meet up. Originally scheduled to meet at the Partners statue on Main Street USA, due to such a high volume of participants moved to the front of the castle. This was by far my favorite gathering. It was amazing to see the creativity that people put in to these ‘character inspired’ Dapper Costumes was amazing! There was a group picture taken of everyone who could squeeze in while the poor PhotoPass Photographer was nearly to the center of the Hub trying to fit us all in. 

         After that comes the Dapper Derby. This is the most popular Dapper Day event. Around 7 o'clock at night where all the Dappers meet up in Fantasyland and ride King Arthur's Carousel. The line quickly wraps around the attraction multiple times, frantic Attractions Hosts and all other free Cast Members in the area try to control the mass amounts of people. As the horses go round and round there is an endless amount of whoops and hollers and 'Happy Dapper Days'. It's crazy and more often or not the cast members are far from prepared and it can be quite entertaining just sitting back and watching the chaos unfold

         Finally there is also a gathering at Trader Sam's Tiki Bar at the Disneyland Hotel. Due to the fact that I’m not old enough to drink yet and neither are most of my fellow Dapper friends I don't have much input on this gathering as of now. 

         One common thing that you will see through out all of these gatherings is TAKING PICTURES. SO! Here is some basic picture etiquette: Most Dapper's won't mind you taking their pictures or taking pictures with them. HOWEVER! They are still guests at the park, and not characters hired by the company. Be respectful of them in that way. Also, don't touch them unless they put their arm around you or what have you. They are normal people; they may not want you touching them. Finally, the art of photo bombing! It is easy to tell if it is supposed to be an artsy or formal type picture or if it looks like a casual type picture I vote… DO IT!!! (But that is just a personal opinion) 

Other Tips and Hints
         A few final notes to wrap this up. Make sure everyone in the group has everyone' s phone number. Too often people under estimate the size of the resort, the amount of people in the park (even on a slow day) and the ease of getting separated. It will be in everyone's best interest to be able to contact who ever they need to in case of separation or emergency. 

         Along with phones it is also wise to bring you cell phone CHARGER, especially if you plan on pulling a full day at the parks. Batteries will drain abnormally quickly while at the resort due to the high number of guests using cell phones, it takes more power for cell towers to operate when they have apron 20-30 thousands cell phones all trying to use them in such a concentrated area at any given time. You have a few options as far as charging them. There are of course the charging lockers. They are $2 for an hour and they have adapters for those of you who have iPhone (including the iPhone 5) or Androids. If you don't have one of these they have lockers with outlets in them that you can plug your own charger in to. 

         Not up for spending the $2-4 to charge your phone? No problems. Most (at least as far as the women are concerned) restrooms have outlets that are reachable. You might get some funny looks for the extended stay in the throne room but just think of the piece of mind you'll have knowing your phone is going to last you the full day. 

         Another helpful hint (and this may seem funny to some), Remember to eat! It is really easy to get wrapped up in the excitement of the park, but make sure you take a break to eat. There are some WONDERFUL snacks and restaurants to eat at through out the resort. Nothing can ruin a trip more than a hungry grumpy person in the group. 

         And finally, ENJOY YOURSELF!! Don't stress over long lines or loud obnoxious people. They are a part of the experience. Get into conversations with other people in line. Share a smile with a cast member. Tell a little girl 'Happy Birthday'. Disneyland is your land and everyone's land. They all want to have a good time and make the most of their time at the resort just like you. 

         With all of this in mind, I can't wait to see you all at the parks in September. HAPPY DAPPER DAY! 


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