"The time has come," the Walrus said,
"To talk of many things:
Of shoes--and ships--and sealing-wax--
Of cabbages--and kings--
And why the sea is boiling hot--
And whether pigs have wings."
-The Walrus and the Carpenter by Lewis Carol
I have been batting around the idea of starting a blog for awhile now. I tried the blog thing on Tumblr and wasn't horribly intrigued and soon fell into the habit of never posting and just reposting my favorite pictures and moving on to the next one. Never letting myself take the time to write out what I wanted to say or what I was thinking. I would simply find a GIF or a picture that somewhat expressed what was going on and let it be. But there is something so much more relaxing and refreshing then to take the time to write things out.
Some would wonder why a blog and not just a journal or a diary? And I did consider that option. The internet can be a very scary, dangerous, and destructive thing when not used properly. I have had my fair share of misunderstandings and arguments all stemmed from something that started on the internet. With that being said, this will never be used to say anything accusatory, rude, or even used for venting.
I was inspired to start this blog by someone who does not even know she inspired me to do so. But before I get into that I should probably tell you a little about myself.
My name is Jill, but a common nick-name I have is Chile. That has a long story behind that I don't feel like going into, so your best bet is to just go with that fact that some people call me that. I am a college student and I work at the Happiest Place on Earth. Also known as Disneyland. I am a custodian to be exact. And though it is far from the most glamorous job in the resort I would not want to do anything else. No other position gives you the same amount of guest interaction as as custodians. Which is what I love the most.
Which leads me to the main purpose of this blog. My job is full of magical moments for other people and I feel truly honored to be part of those moments when I have the chance. Those moments that warm your heart to the core. Whether is be having the pin that person has been looking for for years or just saying 'Happy Birthday' to the little girl in her princess dress who is at Disneyland for the first time ever. Seeing the smiles a simple custodian can create is an amazing thing and I would love to share those moments. Which is where you come in. I want to share these things with you in hopes it warms your heart, like they warm mine. Of course I will throw in the occasional humorous run ins and questions I get from guest. But I want this to stay as positive as possible.
As to my blog title, I felt an obscure Disney reference was a must. Plus whenever I think about conversing with others with my random thoughts and notions I think of the that one stanza of "The Walrus and the Carpenter" that they refer to in Alice in Wonderland. And on top of that, next to Snow White, Alice in Wonderland is probably my favorite Disney movie.
Can't wait to read more. :)