Thursday, March 1, 2012

Lessons Learned

To say that I have been busy for the last few weeks would be a GROSS understatement. Without going into much detail off all that happened, lets just say, I have been stressed and sleep deprived. I have been extremely happy only to come crashing down to the near polar opposite. But if I have gotten anything out of these last few weeks, is that a human can survive a lot more than they realize. We so often underestimate ourselves. Can you imagine how much more we could accomplish, if we didn't let ourselves be limited by what we think we can get through as opposed to what we can actually get through. Now its not to say that everyone should go out and push themselves as hard and far as possible to their near breaking point. That is highly inadvisable. HOWEVER, it may not be a bad idea to push the envelope, just a little farther. I think that was my subconscious thought process when I took this job knowing just how much effort it was going to take to get through it. There are times I would rather just curl up into a corner and just give up, but there is still something in the back of my head, that just wont let me. It gets frustrating at times but I keep telling myself it will be worth it in the long run.

Since the last time I wrote, I have been trained in restroom cleaning which has proved to not be AS bad as I was expecting, but it is hardly a walk in the park. I have started my class through the Disney College Program on Corporate Analysis. At first I was worried about the class, for I thought that no good to come out of a class that had the word analysis in the title, I am really enjoying it. I have met some great people and I am learning more about this company that I love so much. I thought for sure that learning about the nity-gritty money and business part of the company was going to make it 'lose its magic'. But honestly, it hasn't. The secret I have found is that one must have different mind sets depending on what part of the company you are dealing with. I see the parks differently when I am wearing my 'work hat' (so to speak) as opposed to my 'guest hat'. I see the company as a whole differently when I am wearing my 'cast member hat' as opposed to my 'customer hat'. And I think that has made a huge difference in keeping my love for the parks and the company while learning about all the nooks and crannies of it. 

On a random note. I was talking to a friend last night and he told me he was listening to "You Can Fly" from Peter Pan and I can NOT get that darn song out of my head to save my life. My favorite line is "Think of all the joy you'll find, when you leave the world behind and bid your fears goodbye". Some people who didn't know the movie would think that was a morbid line, but it really isn't. Everyone has a place to go or a think to do that lets them 'leave the world behind'. Mine more often than not is music, making videos, reading, and the occasional blog. So as just a bit of food for thought, how do YOU leave the world behind?

With that being said, it looks like Thursday late morning, early afternoons are going to be a good time to do just that and hopefully that is when I will blog from now on. Only time will tell if I stick to that, but hey, it's always good to have a goal.

I love you my little lemon drops <3 

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